“Berber Pride” is now mainstream in Morocco.
Category: Travel
Tangier–Close to Spain
Tangier is the closest Africa gets to Europe.
Morocco–Exotic Gateway to Africa
We traveled with four friends from Whidbey Island to northern Africa.
Is Tashkent the New Silk Road?
Things are changing fast in the new Uzbekistan.
Shopping Adventures in Central Asia
Shopping at Urgut is not the same as it used to be.
The Golden Road to Samarkand
We saw Khiva, Bukhara and Samarkand, cities on the old Silk Road.
Amazing Savitsky
Our visit to a stunning art collection in the Uzbek desert.
Tajikistan–Better than Before!
Are the Chinese the new invaders in the re-named province of Sugd?
Music for the Eyes and Ears in Phoenix
Fred visited the Musical Instrument Museum in Phoenix while Sharon shopped at the Tucson gem and bead show.
Georgia, a Happy Country
Georgian people seem to love their wine and life!